178R5. In respect of grain handling or processing equipment, the prescribed property is the following:(1) farm-type tub grinders and other farm-type feed grinders;
(2) farm-type feed grinder mixers;
(3) grain bins or tanks with a capacity of not more than 181 m3 (5,000 bushels);
(4) self-propelled feed or ensilage carts;
(4.1) transportable conveyors with belts less than 76.2 cm (30 in.) wide and 0.48 cm (3/16 in.) thick, transportable farm grain augers, transportable farm utility augers and transportable elevators;
(5) bin sweeps or cleaners designed for attachment to portable farm grain augers;
(6) farm-type feed mixers;
(7) ensilage mixers;
(8) farm-type feed mills, including roller mills and hammer mills;
(8.1) grain dryers;
(9) farm-type grain toasters for use in livestock feed production;
(10) farm tractor-powered pneumatic grain conveyors;
(11) (paragraph revoked).